Vancouver Cleaning Services for an All-Year Round Clean Vacation Home

Renting out your Vancouver vacation home is a great way to earn some passive income. However, the ‘earning’ part can only happen if people actually rent your place out. The thing about vacation homes is that they need to combine the best of both worlds, namely, the comfort and luxury of a hotel, and the flexibility of a home. If your guests enjoy their stay, they may recommend your rental to others, and that’s how you earn from your investment.

On the other hand, if your guests have an unpleasant stay in your property, they may convince other people to stay away from it. One bad review could ruin your vacation home’s earning potential, so you need to keep your guests as happy as possible.

One of the most common reasons that guests leave bad reviews for a vacation home is because the property lacks cleanliness. If you want to provide your guests with a comfortable and memorable stay, you need to have your property cleaned thoroughly and with some regularity.

A Cartoon of a Professional Cleaner Keeping a Vacation Home Clean

Maintaining a reasonable standard of health and cleanliness is the responsibility of both landlord and tenant. According to the Government of B.C. website, landlords must provide rental units that:

  • Meet health and safety standards required by law
  • Have all of the services and facilities outlined in the tenancy agreement
  • Are in good repair

Although the standards don’t directly address the issue of cleanliness directly, they all relate to it in some way. After all, cleanliness is a basic expectation when guests check into a rental home. If the cleanliness isn’t up to standards, many things can go wrong.

When it comes to keeping your property clean, hiring one of the best Vancouver cleaning services is one of the best decisions you can make. If you have your property cleaned after each rental, you make sure everything looks great for the next group of guests that come in.

If you’re lucky, and you have renters lining up for your vacation home. And that’s a good thing, especially if your rental property is a huge part of your income.  You’ll want your vacation home to be as welcoming to the next guest as it was to the previous one, which means you’ll have to make some decisions about cleaning. Make sure your vacation rental is spic-and-span all year-round, with expert Vancouver cleaning services cleaning your property from top to bottom in between guests.


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